Episode 82 | All About Loan for Your Assisted Living Business with Regina Morgan

Brandon Gustafson, investor, owner, and operator of two residential assisted living facilities, sits down with Regina Morgan from VESTARC to discuss the ins and outs of unsecured lines of credit and SBA loans. Regina shares her extensive experience helping entrepreneurs secure funding for new ventures, scaling operations, and expanding in real estate. They dive into the specifics of unsecured loans, including eligibility, benefits, potential pitfalls, and a thorough comparison with SBA loans. They also discuss strategies for mixing different types of funding to maximize financial potential and ensure business growth. Regina offers valuable advice on navigating the funding process, staying organized, and making wise financial decisions. The episode wraps up with practical tips for entrepreneurs looking to start or expand their assisted living facilities.


Resources Mentioned:

Visit our website, AssistedLivingInvesting.net, for additional resources, including our year-long mastermind program and free underwriting calculator.

Get your free business plan checklist today: https://urlgeni.us/alibpc

Learn about the Assisted Living Investing Mastermind: assistedlivinginvesting.net/mastermind

Apply for the Mastermind today: alimastermind.com/application

Join the Bussiness Foundation Basics Workshop: Assisted Living Business Foundation Basics

Learn the five steps to help you start an assisted living business: https://youtube.com/live/dRVCa80SOyM

Get the 12 Week Year Book: https://amzn.to/4bAOpQf

Marketing Made Simple by Donald Miller: https://amzn.to/3ECoNY5

Who Not How by Benjamin Hardy : https://bit.ly/whonothowbooklink

- Do you need guidance on your journey to launching your assisted living business: https://urlgeni.us/aliala
- Do you need help building your business plan: https://urlgeni.us/alibpg

FREE Resources:
- Business Plan Checklist: https://urlgeni.us/alibpc
- Calculator: https://urlgeni.us/alicalc
- Lease Agreement Template: https://urlgeni.us/alila
- ProfitPath Analysis Tool: https://urlgeni.us/aliprofitpath
- Grant Writing Template: https://urlgeni.us/aligrant
Need help with your payroll? Get Gusto: https://gusto.com/i/brandon9590

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