Episode 78 | How To Get $12,000 Per Month For A Room With Medicaid In Assisted Living

In this episode of the Assisted Living Investing Podcast, host Brandon Gustafson explores how to generate $12,000 per month per room with Medicaid in assisted living. He breaks down the differences between Medicare and Medicaid, and explains the intricacies of state-administered Medicaid programs, including billing codes, reimbursement rates, and the Rent, Utilities, and Food (RUF) payment. Brandon also discusses the certification process for becoming a Medicaid provider and shares a real-life example from his own facility, demonstrating how to achieve substantial income by leveraging Medicaid. Listeners are encouraged to apply to the mastermind program for personalized guidance.

00:00 Welcome to the Assisted Living Investing Podcast

00:54 Understanding Medicaid and Its Role in Assisted Living

01:59 Medicaid Reimbursement and Payment Structures

06:02 Becoming a Certified Medicaid Provider

09:00 Real-Life Example: Achieving $12,000 Per Room with Medicaid

14:03 Conclusion and Next Steps

Resources Mentioned:

Visit our website, AssistedLivingInvesting.net, for additional resources, including our year-long mastermind program and free underwriting calculator.

Get your free business plan checklist today: https://urlgeni.us/alibpc

Learn about the Assisted Living Investing Mastermind: assistedlivinginvesting.net/mastermind

Apply for the Mastermind today: alimastermind.com/application

Join the Bussiness Foundation Basics Workshop: Assisted Living Business Foundation Basics

Learn the five steps to help you start an assisted living business: https://youtube.com/live/dRVCa80SOyM

Get the 12 Week Year Book: https://amzn.to/4bAOpQf

Marketing Made Simple by Donald Miller: https://amzn.to/3ECoNY5

Who Not How by Benjamin Hardy : https://bit.ly/whonothowbooklink

- Do you need guidance on your journey to launching your assisted living business: https://urlgeni.us/aliala
- Do you need help building your business plan: https://urlgeni.us/alibpg

FREE Resources:
- Business Plan Checklist: https://urlgeni.us/alibpc
- Calculator: https://urlgeni.us/alicalc
- Lease Agreement Template: https://urlgeni.us/alila
- ProfitPath Analysis Tool: https://urlgeni.us/aliprofitpath
- Grant Writing Template: https://urlgeni.us/aligrant
Need help with your payroll? Get Gusto: https://gusto.com/i/brandon9590

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