Episode 75 | Assisted Living: 10 Common Misconceeptions
In this episode of the Assisted Living Investing Podcast, host Brandon Gustafson dives deep into the ten most common misconceptions about investing in assisted living facilities. From debunking the myth that you need a medical degree to start, to clarifying the differences between assisted living and nursing homes, Brandon draws from his experience of owning and operating multiple facilities. He also addresses concerns about cost, licensing, and demand, aiming to help beginners navigate the complexities of launching an assisted living business.
00:00 Welcome to the Assisted Living Investing Podcast
00:57 Top 10 Misconceptions About Assisted Living
01:40 You Need a Medical Degree
04:23 Assisted Living vs. Nursing Homes
07:10 Assisted Living is Only for Seniors
08:54 It's Too Expensive
12:10 Residents Lose Their Independence
13:35 You Must Own a Large Facility
15:09 It's Difficult to Get Licensed
17:10 Owners Must Have Healthcare Experience
18:17 Identifying Your Background and Building Your Bio
19:16 Debunking the Demand Myth in Assisted Living
21:32 The Appeal of Smaller Facilities
22:43 Assisted Living Accelerator Program
23:47 Q&A Session: Locations and Business Strategies
25:52 Administrator Certification and Business Planning
29:44 Case-by-Case Opportunities and Risk Assessment
31:26 Future Plans and Exit Strategies
35:34 Final Thoughts and Resources
Resources Mentioned:
Visit our website, AssistedLivingInvesting.net, for additional resources, including our year-long mastermind program and free underwriting calculator.
Get your free business plan checklist today: https://urlgeni.us/alibpc
Learn about the Assisted Living Investing Mastermind: assistedlivinginvesting.net/mastermind
Apply for the Mastermind today: alimastermind.com/application
Join the Bussiness Foundation Basics Workshop: Assisted Living Business Foundation Basics
Learn the five steps to help you start an assisted living business: https://youtube.com/live/dRVCa80SOyM
Get the 12 Week Year Book: https://amzn.to/4bAOpQf
Who Not How by Benjamin Hardy : https://bit.ly/whonothowbooklink
- Do you need guidance on your journey to launching your assisted living business: https://urlgeni.us/aliala
- Do you need help building your business plan: https://urlgeni.us/alibpg
FREE Resources:
- Business Plan Checklist: https://urlgeni.us/alibpc
- Calculator: https://urlgeni.us/alicalc
- Lease Agreement Template: https://urlgeni.us/alila
- ProfitPath Analysis Tool: https://urlgeni.us/aliprofitpath
- Grant Writing Template: https://urlgeni.us/aligrant
Need help with your payroll? Get Gusto: https://gusto.com/i/brandon9590
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