Episode 71 | Grants vs SBA: The Ultimate Guide

In this episode of the Assisted Living Investing Podcast, host Brandon Gustafson delves into the pros, cons, and processes of securing funding for an assisted living business through SBA loans and grants. Brandon, with his extensive experience in the industry, shares practical insights on what the SBA is, what grants are, and the specific scenarios where each funding option is most applicable. Additionally, he provides detailed steps on how to navigate the application processes for both SBA loans and grants while emphasizing the importance of building a solid business foundation.

00:00 Introduction to Assisted Living Investing

00:21 SBA vs. Grants: Which is Best for You?

01:52 Understanding SBA Loans

02:57 Understanding Grants

06:19 When to Use SBA Loans

11:20 When to Use Grants

16:03 The SBA Loan Process

19:54 The Grant Application Process

24:26 Conclusion and Resources

Resources Mentioned:

Visit our website, AssistedLivingInvesting.net, for additional resources, including our year-long mastermind program and free underwriting calculator.

Get your free business plan checklist today: https://urlgeni.us/alibpc

Learn about the Assisted Living Investing Mastermind: assistedlivinginvesting.net/mastermind

Apply for the Mastermind today: alimastermind.com/application

Join the Bussiness Foundation Basics Workshop: Assisted Living Business Foundation Basics

Learn the five steps to help you start an assisted living business: https://youtube.com/live/dRVCa80SOyM

Get the 12 Week Year Book: https://amzn.to/4bAOpQf

Who Not How by Benjamin Hardy : https://bit.ly/whonothowbooklink

- Do you need guidance on your journey to launching your assisted living business: https://urlgeni.us/aliala
- Do you need help building your business plan: https://urlgeni.us/alibpg

FREE Resources:
- Business Plan Checklist: https://urlgeni.us/alibpc
- Calculator: https://urlgeni.us/alicalc
- Lease Agreement Template: https://urlgeni.us/alila
- ProfitPath Analysis Tool: https://urlgeni.us/aliprofitpath
- Grant Writing Template: https://urlgeni.us/aligrant
Need help with your payroll? Get Gusto: https://gusto.com/i/brandon9590

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