Episode 16 | What are 3rd Party Service Providers for Assisted Living_1.mp3

In this episode of the Assisted Living Investing Podcast, hosted by Brandon Gustafson, listeners learn about the crucial role of third-party service providers in enhancing the quality of care in assisted living facilities. Brandon explains various types of service providers, including healthcare professionals, personal care providers like beauticians and massage therapists, mental health workers, nutritionists, fitness instructors, elder law attorneys, and financial advisors. He emphasizes the benefits of forming partnerships with these providers to improve resident satisfaction and community referrals. The episode also highlights available resources on the podcast's website, including a free business plan checklist and information about their year-long mastermind program.

00:00 Introduction to the Podcast

00:26 Understanding Third-Party Service Providers

02:01 Healthcare Services Explained

04:00 Personal Care Services

06:19 Mental Health Services

08:31 Additional Service Providers

10:37 Conclusion and Resources


Resources Mentioned:

Visit our website, AssistedLivingInvesting.net, for additional resources, including our year-long mastermind program and free underwriting calculator.

Get your free business plan checklist today: https://urlgeni.us/alibpc

Learn about the Assisted Living Investing Mastermind: assistedlivinginvesting.net/mastermind

Apply for a free strategy call today: https://urlgeni.us/alistrat

Learn the five steps to help you start an assisted living business: https://youtube.com/live/dRVCa80SOyM

Get the 12 Week Year Book: https://amzn.to/4bAOpQf

- Do you need guidance on your journey to launching your assisted living business: https://urlgeni.us/aliala
- Do you need help building your business plan: https://urlgeni.us/alibpg

FREE Resources:
- Business Plan Checklist: https://urlgeni.us/alibpc
- Calculator: https://urlgeni.us/alicalc
- Lease Agreement Template: https://urlgeni.us/alila
- ProfitPath Analysis Tool: https://urlgeni.us/aliprofitpath
- Grant Writing Template: https://urlgeni.us/aligrant
Need help with your payroll? Get Gusto: https://gusto.com/i/brandon9590

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