Find & Hire Your Ideal Assisted Living Facility Administrator

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Finding the right administrator for your assisted living facility can make all the difference between good care and exceptional care. This person is the backbone of your facility, overseeing day-to-day operations, ensuring compliance with state regulations, and providing the high-quality service your residents deserve. Whether you're just starting or looking to level up your current business, choosing the best administrator is a game-changer for your assisted living success!

In this blog, we’ll break down the best strategies for finding and hiring a top-notch assisted living administrator. From the must-have attributes to the most effective hiring tips, we’ll guide you through the process to help you make the best choice for your facility.

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1. Utilize State Databases

One of the best places to start is your state’s database of licensed assisted living administrators. These databases often have detailed information, including lists of current licensed administrators. You can find this information with a quick search like, “list of licensed assisted living administrators in [State Name].” For example, in Utah, the database provides a file listing all licensed healthcare facilities, along with their administrators' contact details.

Here’s a little pro tip: Instead of directly asking if a candidate is interested in a new position, reach out tactfully. Ask if they know anyone in their network who might be a good fit for your role. This way, you're networking without coming across as if you're trying to poach talent.

2. Leverage Local Facebook Groups and Networking Groups

Facebook isn’t just for keeping up with friends; it's a goldmine for finding your next star employee! While national groups are great for general advice, local Facebook groups can be a treasure trove of region-specific resources and job leads. If there isn’t a meaningful senior care group in your area, why not start one?

For example, if you’re in Idaho, a local Facebook group dedicated to senior care can help you connect with administrators and other professionals in your area. Post a job opening, and you might find interested candidates in no time. Local trade organizations and networking groups are also great places to post job listings and connect with experienced professionals in your community.

3. Post on Job Boards with Paid Ads

Don’t overlook the power of job boards like Indeed or SimplyHired. While they’re commonly used for finding caregivers, these platforms are also effective for hiring administrators. To stand out in the crowd, consider using paid ads to give your job posting a visibility boost. Paid ads can ensure that your listing reaches a larger audience, increasing the chances of finding your ideal candidate.

You can set a daily budget to keep your ad visible for as long as you need. This strategy works wonders, especially in competitive job markets where finding quality candidates can be a challenge.

4. Engage with Current Owners During Facility Transitions

If you’re buying an established assisted living facility, don’t rush to make changes. If possible, consider keeping the existing administrator on board. A good relationship with the previous owner can go a long way in retaining key staff members during the transition. If the current administrator wants to stay, it can ensure a smooth handover and consistent care for your residents.

If the current administrator isn’t available, ask the owner if other staff members are interested or qualified to step up or if they can recommend someone from their network. The previous owner's connections could be your secret weapon in building a solid team.

Final Thoughts

Finding and hiring the perfect assisted living facility administrator isn’t just about filling a role—it’s about building the heart of your business. Using state databases, tapping into local Facebook groups, posting job ads, and leveraging existing owner relationships can give you a well-rounded approach to finding the right fit. Remember, the goal is to find someone who not only has the skills but also shares your vision for exceptional resident care.

Are you ready to take the next step in your assisted living investing journey? Download our Business Plan Checklist, which will guide you in creating a successful business plan for your assisted living facility. Also, consider applying to our Assisted Living Investing Mastermind program, where you'll learn to build a business plan, find the property, secure funding, obtain a license, and run and scale your business.Start building your roadmap to success today!

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