Administrator QUIT?! How to Save Your Assisted Living Business

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Running an assisted living facility can be incredibly rewarding, but it’s not without challenges. One of the toughest moments any operator might face is when a key team member—like an administrator—suddenly resigns. Losing an administrator can feel like the sky is falling, but with the right approach, you can weather the storm and come out stronger.

Here’s the story of how I faced this exact situation, the lessons learned, and practical tips to keep your assisted living business steady when facing staffing surprises.

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The Reality of Assisted Living Management

Managing an assisted living facility isn’t easy. From caregiving to compliance, every day brings unique challenges. Staffing, in particular, is a pain point. When I lost an administrator at one of my facilities, it was a wake-up call to stay ready for anything.

The Administrator Resigns: A Sudden Shake-Up

In December 2021, I received an email no operator wants to see: my administrator gave two weeks’ notice. Although I had suspected something was wrong, the official resignation still hit hard.

The administrator left suddenly, leaving the team short-staffed and scrambling. Without her leadership, the facility risked operational issues and compliance problems.

How I Overcame the Crisis

Luckily, my quick thinking and adaptability helped me steer the ship through choppy waters. Here’s what worked:

1. Build Relationships Ahead of Time

Even before the resignation, I kept in touch with potential hires. I contacted a previous candidate immediately, though they declined. While it didn’t work out this time, maintaining relationships can open doors for future hires.

2. Rely on Teamwork and Communication

During the transition, I leaned on my existing staff and external help. I kept communication open with everyone involved, including the former administrator’s husband, who assisted with scheduling. Clear communication is essential to keep things running smoothly.

3. Seek External Support

I also hired a staffing agency to fill shifts temporarily. While costly, it ensured residents received the care they needed.

4. Get Creative with Hiring

I tried everything to find a replacement: job postings, word of mouth, and even chatting in local Facebook groups. One of those casual conversations eventually led to the perfect candidate.

The Silver Lining: A New Administrator

Just when things seemed overwhelming, I connected with a licensed administrator through a Facebook group. Late-night interviews led to a fast hire, and within ten days, the new administrator started. She brought stability and exceeded expectations, proving that persistence pays off.

Why Mental Health Matters in Assisted Living

This experience highlighted the importance of mental health—for staff and leadership alike. The former administrator faced personal challenges that made her role unsustainable.

Here’s the takeaway: prioritize mental health in your workplace. Encourage open dialogue, provide resources, and remind your team that it’s okay to ask for help.

Key Takeaways for Assisted Living Operators

1. Build a Strong Network

Keep in touch with qualified candidates, even if you don’t have an opening. Relationships can make all the difference when you need to hire quickly.

2. Diversify Your Recruitment Strategy

Use job boards, social media, local networks, and staffing agencies to expand your search.

3. Have a Backup Plan

Cross-train staff to handle leadership roles temporarily. Consider partnerships with staffing agencies for emergency coverage.

4. Prioritize Mental Health

Foster a workplace culture that supports mental well-being. Provide resources and encourage employees to seek help when needed.

A Brighter Future

My story shows that even when things feel chaotic, solutions are within reach. With a strong plan, creativity, and a willingness to adapt, you can overcome setbacks and keep your assisted living business thriving.

When challenges arise, remember: every problem is an opportunity to grow stronger and better prepared for the future.

Make sure you grab your free business plan checklist, to help you learn all the things you need to hit on to create a successful business plan. If you need guidance on starting your assisted living busienss, consider applying to our Assisted Living Investing Mastermind program. This comprehensive 12-month program is designed to guide you step-by-step toward owning and operating your own assisted living facility.

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