Business Foundation Basics 

Understand the importance of building a solid business foundation to help you launch an assisted living business…

…while helping get clarity so you can feel confident in your investment.


Learn how to build a $1 million business plan

You've been spinning your wheels trying to figure out where to start

Now it’s time to take the right steps and go down the right path

You know you want to start an assisted living business

Now it’s time to get some clarity on exactly how you’ll do that

You keep getting told "no" by lenders

Now it’s time to make them say “yes” because you’ve built your business foundation the right way


You want a simple way to build a solid business foundation for your assisted living business - without being confused about how to get started, wasting time making the wrong decisions, and making costly mistakes.

Here's a crazy question for you:

What if you had incredible clarity on how to get started and make REAL progress?

Sound too good to be true?

Hang tight. I’m about to show you exactly how.

Here’s the deal with launching your assisted living business...

If you want to launch your assisted living business,  you have to have the vision for what you want to build

That means you’re going to need to think about what you want and get it written down

The best way to launch your assisted living business is via a solid business foundation.

…and that’s where a business plan comes in.

When you have a business plan in place, you’ll get incredible clarity on exactly what you want do with your assisted living business.

The best part is: you’ll be taking the right steps to help you launch your business.

And even help you get prepared for obtaining funding and getting your facility license... Imagine that! 🥳


“I don’t know how to get started” 

I hear this ALL the time!

When I started my journey to launch my first assisted living business I had no real direction.

When I finally found a deal one of the first things the lender asked for was my business plan.

I had to scramble and put something together to meet the lenders request.

But, as I thought about it, I knew I needed something deeper, something for me!

Creating a business plan has helped me secure over $1.5 million in SBA funding.

But, more importantly, it’s helped me create multiple profitable businesses.

A business plan and building a solid business foundation is THE place to start if you want to be successful.

That’s why I created the Business Foundation Basics workshop.

It’s perfect for you whether you if you want to get clarity for yourself, get the funding you need, or help make sure assisted living is the right investment for you.

A Business Plan is...

Your vision for the future


Get the clarity you need on who you will serve and where you’ll start your business.


Your key to obtain funding


Lenders will require a business plan to make sure you know what you’re doing and that you can be successful.

Your roadmap for running your business

Running a business is hard and you’ll need to think through exactly how you’ll operate the business, market your facility, and handle your finances.

My clients have used their business foundation to…

Get incredible clarity on the population they want to serve

Narrow down the geographic location of where they’ll start their facility

Have confidence that assisted living is the right investment for them

Talk to lenders about getting the funding they need for their business

Know what questions to ask the state about licensing their facility

Here’s how it’s working for people like you.


Business Foundation Basics



Building your vision

Get clarity on your assisted living business

Mission, Vision, and Values

Goals (short-term and long-term)

Legal structure

Management biographies


Research and development

Outline how you’ll run your business and make sure it’s the right business for you

Facility Operations

Marketing Plan

Market Research

Startup Expenses

Financial Projections & Assumptions


Setting your plan apart

How to make a difference in your business plan and make sure you stand out from everybody else trying to get funding

Business Plan Notes


Executive Summary


When you spend time to create a solid business foundation it’s actually EASIER to get funding and it will EXPEDITE the process of obtaining your facility license…

Even if you don’t have any experience in the industry.  

Even if you don’t know how to get started yet.





With a solid business plan, you can get the funding you NEED to launch your assisted living business.







Here's everything that's included:


☑️ Building Your Vision (value $300)

☑️ Research & Development for Assisted Living (value $300)

☑️ Setting Your Plan Apart (value $500)


These incredible bonuses:​

☑️ BONUS #1: Entity Setup Secrets (value $97) 

☑️ ​BONUS #2: Market Research Guide (value $197)

☑️ ​BONUS #3: Is this Really Profitable Guide (value $97)

Total Value $1,491

Today's Price: Just $47


How do I know if I’m building the right business foundation?

As you build your business plan you’ll inevitably have some questions about some of the next steps you’ll need to take to finish building your business foundation.

I want to make sure you stay headed down the right path so you can launch your assisted living business...


Bonus #1


Entity Setup Secrets 

What type of entity do you need

People you should talk to

Get it done right the first time

Where to setup your entity



Bonus #2


Market Research Guide 

Top markets for assisted living

How to dive into market data

Is the market the right one for you



Bonus #3


Is This Really Profitable Guide 

My honest opinion about assisted living

Do the numbers work

How many beds should I have

Maximizing your space


Build a $1 million business plan

(And finally stop being confused about how to get started)



I love building a business foundation because it changed the way I invest, for good.

Founder, Assisted Living Investing

Hey there - I’m Brandon! 

I have a master's in healthcare administration and have been in the healthcare industry for over a decade - I got into healthcare because I love the positive impact I get to have on people’s lives. Also, a fun fact: I used to teach healthcare analytics to graduate-level students at the University of Utah. 

On June 9th 2019, my daughter was sick, so I stayed home from church and a family dinner at my in-laws. I used that entire day to read Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki; that book changed my life! I knew I had to get into real estate. As I started researching, I found the asset class of Residential Assisted Living, and with my background in healthcare, it was the perfect match for me.

When we went under contract on our first facility in May of 2020, I had the foresight to document our process so I could replicate it (more for myself than anything else). Once we closed on our first facility in September 2020, we found another opportunity and closed on our second house in February 2021; we used the process I had outlined with some slight variations (learning from our mistakes the first time around). I knew I had a process that worked!

Given my background in teaching and mentoring others, I decided to share my knowledge with the world, so I started the Assisted Living Investing YouTube channel. 

Doing YouTube and helping others was fun, but I knew I had a system that worked, and I wanted to get it into the hands of the people who needed it most. So, after some reflection and taking time to document my process, I created The Assisted Living Launch Formula.

I’m now using the process that worked for me and several others to help dozens of people launch their assisted living businesses without making the same mistakes I made in the beginning. 

I got into the healthcare industry to help others, and now I get to guide people like you on launching your assisted living business so you can impact the lives of those you will serve in your facilities. I love the work I get to do!




Here's everything that's included:


☑️ Building Your Vision (value $300)

☑️ Research & Development for Assisted Living (value $300)

☑️ Setting Your Plan Apart (value $500)


These incredible bonuses:​

☑️ BONUS #1: Entity Setup Secrets (value $97) 

☑️ ​BONUS #2: Market Research Guide (value $197)

☑️ ​BONUS #3: Is this Really Profitable Guide (value $97)

Total Value $1,491

Today's Price: Just $47


After Business Foundation Basics, you'll be ready to immediately:


Get incredible clarity on what you’re going to do


Know where you will want your facility located


Have a tool that can help you get the funding you need


Make real progress towards launching your assisted living business


Know which population you want to serve



Have the confidence to talk to the state about getting your facility license

Here's everything that's included:


☑️ Building Your Vision (value $300)

☑️ Research & Development for Assisted Living (value $300)

☑️ Setting Your Plan Apart (value $500)


These incredible bonuses:​

☑️ BONUS #1: Entity Setup Secrets (value $97) 

☑️ ​BONUS #2: Market Research Guide (value $197)

☑️ ​BONUS #3: Is this Really Profitable Guide (value $97)

Total Value $1,491

Today's Price: Just $47


Have questions? I’ve got answers…



Still have questions?

Email me or send a FB message.

I’m happy to help 😁


Build a $1 million business plan

It’s how I was able to launch two assisted living businesses

Find two assisted living facilities in great markets

Obtain my facility licenenses to be operating within a few months

Secure over $1.5 million in SBA funding

And I want that for you too.

So if you want to build a $1 million business plan & get on the right path to launching your assisted living business ASAP…

Click below to get instant access.


