Helping Beginners Launch
Their Assisted Living Business
in the Next 12 Months
Get the tools, guidance, and expertise you need to launch a successful residential assisted living business—starting with our free Underwriting Calculator!
Does This Sound Familiar?
- “I don’t know how to get started with assisted living.”
- “The idea of navigating healthcare rules and funding is overwhelming.”
- “Is residential assisted living really as profitable as people say?”
- "How do I fund my assisted living business?"
- “Can I actually turn my home into an assisted living facility?”
- “I need help getting my facility licensed and operational.”
I’ve been where you are—unsure of the first step, overwhelmed by regulations, and wondering if this was even possible. But I figured it out, and I can help you do the same.
Your Roadmap to Success in Residential Assisted Living
From foundational tools to advanced coaching, I’ll help you build your business step-by-step.
The Launchpad Bundle
The Assisted Living Accelerator Course
The Assisted Living Investing Mastermind Program

With over a decade in healthcare, owning multiple assisted living facilities, and teaching graduate-level healthcare management, I’ve been through it all and documented every step to create a proven roadmap.
Real People, Real Results

Why Choose Assisted Living Investing?
“I don’t even know how to get started!”
You’re not alone. That’s exactly why I created the Launchpad Bundle—it gives you the tools and confidence to take that critical first step.
“I need help with funding!”
Funding is one of the biggest challenges of getting started in assisted living, but it doesn’t have to be a roadblock. In the Accelerator Course, I’ll teach you how to approach lenders, navigate SBA loans, and use creative funding strategies to make your dream a reality.